Integration Testing

  • This kind of testing perform by tester.
  • This kind of testing is used to combine different software modules as a group to ensure that integrated software is ready for the system testing
  • We check data flow from one module to another module.

2. System Testing

  • System testing perform on the complete integration testing
  • It evaluates both functional and non-functional testing
  • It also involves load ,performance, reliability and security testing

3. Acceptance Testing 

  • This kind of testing is done by user or customer
  • However, shake holders can be involved in this process

4. Functionality Testing

  • Check each and every functionality of an application
  • This is used to check if your product is as per the specifications you intended for it as well as the functional requirements you charted out for it in your developmental documentation. 

Integration Testing

  • Integration testing is defined as a type of testing where software modules are integrated logically and tested as a group.
  • A typical software project consists of multiple software modules, coded by different programmers.
  • Testing the data flow between two modules.
  • Integration Testing focuses on checking data communication amongst these modules.

Entry Criteria:
  • Unit Tested Components/Modules
  • All High prioritized bugs fixed and closed
  • All Modules to be code completed and integrated successfully.

Exit Criteria:

Successful Testing of Integrated Application.Executed. Test Cases are documented All High prioritized bugs fixed and closed

Approaches of Integration Testing

  1. Big Bang Approach 
  2. Incremental Approach: which is further divided into the following
    1. Top Down Approach
    2.  Bottom Up Approach
    3.  Sandwich Approach
  1. Big Bang Approach

All component are integrated together at once and then tested.

  • Convenient for small systems.

  • Fault Localization is difficult.
  • Since the Integration testing can commence only after "all" the modules are designed, the testing team will have less time for execution in the testing phase.
  • Since all modules are tested at once, high-risk critical modules are not isolated and tested on priority.

2.Incremental Approach

  • In this approach, testing is done by joining two or more modules that are logically related
  • Then the other related modules are added and tested for the proper function
  • The process continues until all of the modules are joined and tested successfully.
  • Incremental Approach, in turn, is carried out by two different Methods

Top Down

In the Top to down approach, testing takes place from top to down following the control flow of the software system.

INTEGRATION Testing Tutorial: Big Bang, Top Down & Bottom Up

Bottom-UP Integration

In the bottom-up strategy, each module at lower levels is tested with higher modules until all modules are tested. 

INTEGRATION Testing Tutorial: Big Bang, Top Down & Bottom Up

Hybrid/ Sandwich Integration

In the sandwich/hybrid strategy is a combination of Top-Down and Bottom-up approaches. 
Here, top modules are tested with lower modules at the same time lower modules are integrated with top modules and tested. 
INTEGRATION Testing Tutorial: Big Bang, Top Down & Bottom Up

When it perform?

Integration testing perform after testing and before system testing